Brentwood RY & WJ (Ryan Younger and Whit Jackson)

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This wiki has been a major help to both of us in the past few years and we feel it's important to give back. Special thanks to Jackson, Erik, Varad, Sean, and Felix for all their help this season preparing for tournaments, drilling with us, and enduring our bad jokes and trolling. We also appreciate the help of all our teammates throughout the season with prep and support, none of this would have been possible without them. An assortment of positions we wrote for the JanFeb topic are below. Feel free to email or Facebook message us for other positions we read or any questions you have.

-Whit and Ryan


(See the note inside – this is more for learning than actually reading from)

Aff Cases

(This was the only aff we read throughout the topic)

(This was an aff we worked on for about 2 days that was never finished or broken)

(Version of the aff read in octas – some of the analytics aren't fully written out since I knew them)



(Whole topic)

(Whole topic)



(Whole topic)

(Whole topic)


(Read by Whit at USC)



(Main K on the topic)


(There were other versions, but this is the one read in TOC Dubs)

(Read by Whit Round 6 of TOC)
