Walt Whitman XR (Xavier Roberts-Gaal)

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Hi! I'm Xavier, and I debated for Walt Whitman HS in Bethesda, MD. Circuitdebater was a great resource while I debated, both for drills and for ideas on how to structure positions. I've uploaded positions I think are useful tools, work I'm particularly proud of, and otherwise interesting or valuable arguments. All the work is my own, unless otherwise noted; much of it was strongly influenced by Bob, Preetham, Varun, Emily, Michael, Daniel, Tom, Becca, and Chessman. I strongly recommend using these positions as jumping-off points, rather than simply reading them as-is. Doing your own research will help you more effectively deploy arguments, lead you to higher-quality evidence I just didn't find, and avoid all the errors I made. But hey, debate is yours now, not mine. Do with these as you will :)

Feel free to check out my wikis from 2016-2017 and 2015-2016. There you will find cites for positions I read but did not write. Also, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or are having difficulty finding resources!

[in progress!! will finish uploading eventually, i promise!!]


TOC '17

[never got a chance to read]

January-February '17

[read at Harvard, with some unbroken modifications for TOC]
[read cards from this in a few rounds]

November-December '16

September-October '16

Generics '16-'17


January-February '16

November-December '15


September-October '15

[an argument I genuinely believe in]

Generics '15-'16