Cambridge OS (Oliver Sussman)


Sorry for the delay! I'm lazy. Here's a bunch of stuff I read on JanFeb; if you want anything else (or something I read on a different topic), just reach out.


Also includes aff blocks.




Hi everyone! I'm currently a junior at Cambridge Rindge and Latin (MA), and I owe so much to this site (especially coming from a practically non-existent debate program and being a former policy debater), so I figured I'd contribute. Check out my wiki as well if you're interested; I disclosed open source at TOC this year. If you want me to upload anything else you know I've read, feel free to ask. Email me at [email protected].

This file has all of the modules for our util aff (including some unbroken advantages), and a lot of our blocks. ALSO, SHOUTOUT TO OUR NOVICE JEFF LIU FOR ACCIDENTALLY SENDING THIS TO GREENHILL AND LHP AT WOODWARD! :)

I read this aff a lot too. I usually operated out of the util file as well when I read it for CP/DA/K blocks.

very very unbroken.

Read like a solid 75% of neg rounds

Some of the elections stuff; there were a bunch of other files floating around though